You do not know whether you should go left or right. Forward seems impossible and backwards is not an option. Where do we go when we feel lost? When our compass seems to spin all over or when the GPS dies out on us?
We all reach this point somewhere in life. More than once actually. We reach a pivot point where we are not sure what is next. What is the right move. Or sometimes even “how am I going to get through this day?”
Instead of trying to look far and beyond. Looking for answers and searching wholly within. Realize that you do not need to have a definite answer at the moment. Life is not linear. You are allowed to change.
There are no rules saying that what you’ve always wanted is what you always must desire. More times than not, it is when we achieve or find what we desired most in life that we realize it was only an empty goal and that there is so much greater out there.
When the job you wanted is draining more energy than it gives. When the bills pile up and you do not know how you are going to dig through the heap. When you feel like you are drowning and that there is no place to run to. Know this. The answer is in the next step.
It does not have to be the final step. It does not even have to be a good step. But just keep moving forward. Keep pushing onwards no more how big the adversity.
Life happens to everyone. Yet, we have received the power of free will to determine our reactions. Life is not fair, neither easy. But it is worth it!
So no matter what way your map is showing. When you are at such a loss, a step in any direction will get you somewhere.
You don’t need to know immediately where you are going. It will come, but not if you stand still.
Grab life with both hands. Determine what is really important to you and pursue itwith everything you have.
You have what it takes. But it will take everything that you have.
“The only place to start is where we are” — Seth Godin