Be still and knowHow often do we become still? Log out of Instagram. Put down our phones. Switch off the TV and take off that watch that is constantly…Jun 18, 2021Jun 18, 2021
Rock BottomYou feel like you fell short of where you should have been in life. You are not working in your dream job, have not started your own…Jun 10, 2021Jun 10, 2021
Next stepYou do not know whether you should go left or right. Forward seems impossible and backwards is not an option. Where do we go when we feel…May 28, 20212May 28, 20212
Reaching the “TOP”When it comes to greatness and wanting to be the best, I stand firmly first in line. Since childbirth I was always fighting to not only be…Apr 29, 2021Apr 29, 2021
Living patiently relentlessThe bible speaks of how we are just a vapor and we vanish away, for we do not know what will happen tomorrow and how our time on earth is…Jan 31, 2021Jan 31, 2021
Self worth over net worthI used to believe that if I were to make a certain amount of money and obtain a certain type of lifestyle I would not only feel better…Oct 20, 2020Oct 20, 2020
LinkedIn-The most underrated resourceI am always baffled when I speak to people and they tell me that they don’t have a LinkedIn profile or that they barely use LinkedIn. I…Sep 16, 2020Sep 16, 2020
Leadership without a titleJohn Maxwell once said that anyone can be a leader. Regardless of position and regardless of title.Sep 7, 2020Sep 7, 2020
Into the unknownWaking up every hour or so I realized that I was not going to get in much sleep.Sep 2, 2020Sep 2, 2020
The power of routinesWe have know that habits are powerful. Yet, only a few people adopt some form of daily routine to set themselves up for success.Aug 25, 2020Aug 25, 2020
Not enoughHow many of us do not wake up each morning thinking “Am I enough?”. The consistent self-doubt is the mental pandemic of the decade.Aug 20, 20201Aug 20, 20201
The art of confidenceConfidence can be a strange thing. It can take weeks, months or even years to be built. Yet a moment for it to be lost and destroyed.Aug 18, 2020Aug 18, 2020
Why minimalism makes senseMore often than not, we believe that the more choices we have the more freedom we have. For me personally I found that options caused…Aug 11, 2020Aug 11, 2020
The servant of allThere is a saying that goes “Money is a poor master but a great slave”. Truth be told is that if we don’t take charge of our finances our…Jul 23, 2020Jul 23, 2020